New to open enrollment? Start here.
Our employer open enrollment guide is designed to help make the open enrollment process easier for you, the employer. It includes guidance on open enrollment steps, employee communications and more.
Frequently used resources
We offer educational resources for all types of health benefit accounts. Share them with employees to help inform their decision making.
Quick guide: HSA
Learn about key features and benefits of a health savings account (HSA).
Quick guide: FSA
This guide outlines how flexible spending accounts (FSAs) help employees save on health care costs.
Qualified medical expense tool
Employees can use this tool to search for eligible health expenses.
All resources
Share these resources with employees if your company offers HSAs:
Quick guide: HSA - This guide introduces the key features and benefits of an HSA.
How to use an HSA - Find information about owning and managing an Optum Financial HSA.
FAQ: HSA - See the questions employees most frequently ask about HSAs
HSA mythbusters: fact or myth - See common misconceptions about HSAs.
Why consider an HDHP with an HSA - Explore the reasons for enrolling in a high-deductible health plan paired with an HSA.
HSA and Medicare eligibility - Learn how HSAs work with Medicare.
HSA contributions and midyear changes - This PDF gives employees guidance on how to prorate HSA contributions if their eligibility changes midyear.
Investing with an HSA - Learn about investment growth options for HSAs.
Consolidating HSAs - This page provides information for individuals seeking to consolidate several HSAs into one.
Long-term HSA considerations - This PDF provides information on investing an HSA as part of a long-term financial plan.
Find HSA contribution limits - Employees can visit this page to check on annual HSA 2025 contribution limits, which are set by the IRS.
What can an HSA do for me? - This video provides an overview of the purpose of health savings accounts (HSAs) and how they work.
Share these resources with employees if your company offers FSAs:
Quick guide: FSA - This guide highlights the key features and benefits of an FSA.
FAQ: FSA - See the questions employees frequently ask about enrolling in an FSA.
FSA mythbusters: fact or myth? - Learn about common misconceptions about FSAs.
FSA benefits and reminders - Discover general tips and guidelines for using an FSA.
What can a health care FSA do for me? - This video explains what health care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are and how they work.
Share these resources with employees if your company offers DCFSAs:
- Quick guide: DCFSA - Find out how a DCFSA can benefit employees and their families.
- What can a DCFSA do for me? - This video shares information about dependent care flexible spending accounts (DCFSAs) and how they work.
Share these resources with employees if your company offers HRAs:
FAQ: HRA - See the questions employees frequently ask about HRAs.
- Quick guide: HRA - This guide provides an overview of an HRA and its benefits for employees.
- What can an HRA do for me? - This video explains what health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) are and how they work.
Share this resource with employees if your company offers LPFSAs:
- Quick guide: LPFSA - This PDF introduces employees to how an LPFSA works.
- What can an LPFSA do for me? - This video explains what limited purpose FSAs are and how they work.
Share these resources with employees if your company offers commuter benefits:
Commuter benefits overview - Learn how the commuter benefit payment card works.
FAQ: Commuter benefits - See common questions about enrolling in commuter benefits and using the payment card.
HSA resources
Quick guide: HSA - This guide introduces the key features and benefits of an HSA.
How to use an HSA - Find information about owning and managing an Optum Financial HSA.
HSA and Medicare eligibility - Learn how HSAs work with Medicare.
- HSA contributions and midyear changes - This PDF gives employees guidance on how to prorate HSA contributions if their eligibility changes midyear.
- Investing with an HSA - Learn about investment growth options for HSAs.
- FAQ: HSA - See the questions employees most frequently ask about HSAs.
- HSA mythbusters: fact or myth - See common misconceptions about HSAs.
Long-term HSA considerations - This PDF provides information on investing an HSA as part of a long-term financial plan.
Why consider an HDHP with an HSA - Explore the reasons for enrolling in a high-deductible health plan paired with an HSA.
FSA resources
Quick guide: FSA - This guide highlights the key features and benefits of an FSA.
FAQ: FSA - See the questions employees frequently ask about enrolling in an FSA.
FSA mythbusters: fact or myth? - Learn about common misconceptions about FSAs.
FSA benefits and reminders - Discover general tips and guidelines for using an FSA.
DCFSA resources
Quick guide: DCFSA - Find out how a DCFSA can benefit employees and their families.
LPFSA resources
Quick guide: LPFSA - This PDF introduces employees to how an LPFSA works.
HRA resources
FAQ: HRA - See the questions employees frequently ask about HRAs.
Quick guide: HRA - This guide provides an overview of an HRA and its benefits for employees.
Commuter resources
Commuter benefits overview - Learn how the commuter benefit payment card works.
FAQ: Commuter benefits - See common questions about enrolling in commuter benefits and using the payment card.
Meeting resources for employers
- Financial HBA overview - Share this financial benefit accounts overview after going through the open enrollment presentation with employees.
The videos below provide overviews of various types of health benefit accounts:
The following tools help employees estimate costs and/or see how they can save on expenses and taxes:
Health savings checkup tool - Use this tool to estimate health care costs during retirement.
Qualified medical expense tool - Use this tool to search for qualified health care expenses.
HSA contribution calculator - Use this calculator to see how an HSA could lead to significant tax savings.
FSA contribution calculator - Use this calculator to see how an FSA can help save on eligible health care expenses.
Commuter calculator - Use this calculator to see how a commuter benefits card can add up to significant tax savings.
Optum Now introduction - Get an overview of Optum Now — an HSA-approved, one-stop online health shop.
Visit Optum now - Get an overview of Optum Now — an HSA-approved, one-stop online health shop.
- Open enrollment guide - This guide for employers offers helpful information on open enrollment steps, employee communications and more.
- Open enrollment presentation (employee introduction to financial HBAs) - Use these presentation slides when introducing Optum Financial to employees and during open enrollment meetings.
- Financial HBA overview - Share this financial benefit accounts overview after going through the open enrollment presentation with employees.
Self-directed mutual fund investment options are made available through the services of an independent investment advisor, or your plan sponsor. Discretionary advisory services are provided by Betterment LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, with associated brokerage transactions provided by Betterment Securities, Member FINRA/SIPC. For details and disclosures visit betterment.com. Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Accounts are offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Member SIPC), the registered broker/dealer, which also provides other brokerage and custody services to its customers. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Health Savings Accounts for full fee and commission schedules. For details and disclosures, visit schwab.com. Please consult your financial planner for more information on investments.
Orders are accepted to effect transactions in securities only as an accommodation to HSA owners. Optum Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries are not broker-dealer or registered investment advisors and do not provide investment advice or research concerning securities, make recommendations concerning securities, or otherwise solicit securities transactions.
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts administered by Optum Bank®, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC, an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs, each a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. State and/or local taxes may still apply. Fees may reduce earnings on account. Refer to your HSA account agreement for details.
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, “Employer-Sponsored Plans”) are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by Optum Financial, Inc. or ConnectYourCare, LLC and are subject to eligibility and restrictions. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured.
This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. Consult a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment, and restrictions. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions.
Your employer sponsored plan may exclude reimbursement for certain categories of items. Check your plan document and summary plan description or contact your benefits department for specific coverage details.